Your Questions About Poker Odds Calculator

John asks…

What’s the best poker odds calculator for online poker?

admin answers:

If you want a generic calculator like the „card player“ one listed above you can go to If your looking for a calculator with heads up display they also offer reviews of the top poker odds calculators along with special deals on them. You can find the link to the reviews on the above page.

Mandy asks…

How do Poker Odds Calculators read cards, bets and player actions?

I am considering writing a real time poker odds calculator. I’ve got everything figured out, except for how to read the table action. I don’t believe they’re reading the pixels directly. I suspect they’re intercepting the text in the status box, but I’m not sure…

What mechanism are real time Poker Odds Calculators uisng to read cards, bets and player actions? Can you direct me to samples/examples of source code?

admin answers:

I am a developer and IMHO all actions are going in and out of your PC (when you run the client). So it’s a simple matter of parsing the XML files that are stored locally on you pc. I had a look a while ago out of interest and they are publicly available.

Nancy asks…

Is there a good free poker odds calculator that integrates with online poker sites?

By free I mean does not require subscription to site or sites to obtain an unlimited licence

admin answers: has a really good poker odds calculator. It features odds for Hold Em‘, Omaha, Omaha H/L, and Seven Card Stud.

Joseph asks…

Poker Odds Calculator?? What is it about?

Can someone explain me what Poker Odds Calculator does and what it is needed for?

admin answers:

Poker odds are a method of calculating your chances of winning the pot at any one point in time during the hand. Itr is a mathematical probability guide to help you determine whether to fold, bet or raise based on the likelyhood of your improving your hand.

The Poker Odds Calculator is a shor cut to do this as you play.

Why not learn to do it yourself, it is simple and easy.

Here is a link that explains it.


Good luck!

Michael asks…

Whats A Good Free Poker Odds Calculator.?

Im looking for a poker calculator i can download to help me play online poker, and i was wondering what the best one is?

admin answers:

Texas Calculatem 4.2.25

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Poker Odds Calculator TournamentIndicator located at Am Pokertisch 1 , Deutschland, BY . Reviewed by 11 Pokerexperten rated: 4.7 / 5