Your Questions About Pokerstars

Sandra asks…

What is the easiest way to deposit on pokerstars?

I am in the U.S. and have not been able to deposit. I have tried several different sites and echecks or any of my debit cards (mastercard) do not work. Is there an easy way to get real money on there, or another poker site like full tilt or sportsbook? Thanks for your answers.

admin answers:

Echeck is typically the easiest way. If it’s not working on poker stars its probably not going to work on full tilt or any other site. Just double check the information and try it again. Otherwise, you have to go with moneygram or western union…which isn’t fun.

Laura asks…

What is the quickest way to get my pokerstars bonus?

I just deposited my second one hundred dollar deposit. The first one hundred i played too high of stakes and lost it over time. I have 170 points right now. What is the quickest way to earn my bonus?

admin answers:

The quickest way to earn your points would be to play Heads Up poker.

Obviously the higher the stakes the quicker you’ll get it released but I really wouldn’t recommend playing above what your bankroll can afford.

Your bonus will come in time if you stick to it. Greed really is the death of many online poker players.

I’ve listed an article below in the sources about online poker bankroll management which is worth a quick 5 minute read.

I’ll also throw up a decent article on good Heads Up poker strategy to try help you make sure that this deposit was your last one ;D

But yeah to be dead pan and straight to the point of answering your question… Heads Up poker is what you want to be playing.

Paul asks…

What is the easiest way to deposit money to Pokerstars or Full Tilt Poker?

I’ve tried depositing with a credit card before was unsuccesful. My mom wont let me use her credit card, so Echecks is out of the discussion. Please help me get some money onto the either site, thanks!

admin answers:

Open a Neteller account, easy and free.

Mark asks…

How can you enter a canadian postal code at when it only allows 5 digits?

Question is basically in the title and I’m wondering what I’m missing because I can’t sign-up there and I would think many canadians have tried and succeeded and so, how do I enter the postal code when the box only allows 5 digits? Thanks for your help.

admin answers:

E-mail them to find out. They are very good about getting back to customers.

George asks…

What is the OVERALL BEST way to start a pokerstars account?

I have heard of WAY TOO MANY different ways to get this done. I know its hard for U.S. players to get one. But Which one will work the easiest?

admin answers:

You won’t have any problem getting an account. The only thing you may have a problem doing is making a deposit. If you’d like tips on making a successful deposit from the U.S. Go to the site below and check out the U.S. Player funding section.

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