Your Questions About Odd Calculator

Donna asks…

Ebay message? Does this sound odd to you?

I tried to sell a calculator on ebay for $5. No one bid for it, then as soon as it timed out, I got an email from someone asking me if I could post it to them and they offered to pay $ 40 (they live in another state).

I am puzzled, I have not responded yet. The calculator is not that special, quite an old model, I secifically said in the description it’s for local pick up only as postage costs as much as the calculator. The person gave some excuse like they have an exam coming up and can’t find this model elsewhere, but this model is about 10 years old…

I don’t know does this sound fishy to you? I would be worried about getting paid since I am not sure how much the postage would cost (express), and we would be operating outside ebay.

admin answers:

DEFINITELY fishy. I got a similar request once; they ended up sending me the „money“ through paypal, but managed to hack the email in a way that it made it SEEM as though I was receiving the money, but in reality I was not.
Do NOT even bother responding

Mark asks…

inverse of tan function even or odd function?

okay , so i want to find the angle by divining the y component to the x component. so i calculated inv tan(Y/X) in the calculator. But the calculator gave me error message. Y= -10.65 and X = 17.56.
I took the absolute value of the numbers and did the calculation and i got inv tan(10.65/17.56) = 31.23 degree. but how do i calculate the angle when Y is negative as i gave the value of Y and X above. could you help me and tell me the angle? – I need the answer now please!

admin answers:

First get yourself a new calculator!

Draw yourself a set of axes with a circle centred at the origin.

You should easily be able to figure the following results:

+x, +y: θ
+x, -y: -θ or 360 – θ
-x, +y: 180 – θ
-x, -y: θ – 180 or 180 + θ

For +x, -y and -x, -y the first result is for angles in the range -180 to 180, the second for 0 to 360.

Laura asks…

Are these odd or typical Pregnancy symptoms?

Hello. Just found out we are pregnant with our first child. I am 31 and never been pregnant. I have noticed a few things that I have not heard others say as a symptom. I am waking normal than usual. About 1.5 hours earlier. I am sneezing like crazy, but it is not cold related. Feels more like allergy, but it is not the season for it. Also, I have been having a lot of BM’s. Way more than normal, just started prenatal vitamins, so I am not sure that is it. Also, does anyone know of a pregnancy food pyramid? And how much water I should drink daily. I do not go to the Doctor for two weeks. Due Date Calculator says I should be about 5 weeks. Thank you!

admin answers:

Congrats! Although everyone has different pregnancy symptoms, yours are actually quite common. Sneezing, congestion, and nose bleeds are normal in pregnancy (i believe, due to the increase of blood flow). Changes in your sleep cycle are also par for the course. Some women sleep all the time and some suffer from insomnia. Just wait until you have to get up to pee every two hours! I bet you’ll take your 1.5 hours back when that starts, lol :).

Changes in your digestive system are also quite common. This is due to the prenatal vitamins and the fact that your bowels are being squished and moved around. Some women are constipated and others find that they go more frequently, and it can switch from one to the other.

I do not know of a pregnancy food pyramid, just that you should eat as healthily as possible. Veggies high in folic acid, milk for plenty of calcium, lentil beans are a good source of protein and fiber – pretty much anything that is normally considered healthy is good for you and baby.
Foods to avoid are: deli meats (for the slight risk of listeria), shellfish, unpasteurized anything (soft cheeses, some juices, etc.), anything under cooked (rare burgers, sushi, some say hollandaise and eggs over easy, etc.). At your first appt, your OB will probably give you a more thorough list of what to and what not to eat, as well as foods that might help improve or upset your digestive function. Also, a basic rule of thumb is to increase your daily caloric intake by about 300 calories. Any more might cause excess weight gain, and any less might not be enough nutrition for your growing baby.

The regular 8 glasses of water each day is enough, although you will probably find yourself wanting to drink more water than usual (i know i did :). In the event that you experience vomiting or diarrhea, you definitely want to increase your water intake. Dehydration in pregnancy is no bueno.

Hope that was in any way helpful 🙂

Jenny asks…

What are the odd this happens to me again?

So here is whats going on… My hubby and I had unprotected sex on the 20th, but he did not finish inside. Now being crampy all day I start to wonder hmmm what could be going on, and after checking an ovulation calculator that was one of my most fertile times. I just had my daughter 4 months ago so this all could very well just be my head playing tricks on me but this is how I got prego with her… when my son was 4 months old. I also know implantation can happen as soon as 6 days and as late as 12. UGH that puts it right at 6 days today. So what do yall think, could it be?
I am not going to see a doc for feeling a little crampy, it just has my mind wondering…

admin answers:

The fact that he didn’t finish inside isn;t necessarily a gaurantee that you won;t get pregnant.. Only takes one little sperm to find it’s way! And there is a chance that one was there before the final moment! If you are breastfeeding, that can offer some protection against pregnancy, but again, not 100% foolproof. But, I’m guessing you perhaps don;t want to be pregnant just yet, so I will say that hopefully the cramps are the early signs of a period! Hooray! Anyway, I hope it works out the way you want.

George asks…

Can you take my odd survey?

1.Have you ever known anyone with more toes then normal?
2.Are you funky fresh or freshly funky, or are you neither?
3.If you were a bug what bug would you be?
4.Any cartoons in particular stick out in your mind from childhood?
5.If a friend of yours dislikes a person, do you immediately dislike them as well or do you give them a chance first?
6.Do you wear a watch?
7.Do you own a calculator?
8.Have you or do you know any one who has been stabbed?
9.What time is it?
10.What is/was for dinner?
11.You like the sushi?
12.Hamburgers or hot dogs?
13.If you were/are a vegetarian, and you came face to face with an angry man eating cow that wanted to taste your blood, would you eat or be eaten?
14.Ever taste a piece of grass?
15.Finally, how are you?

admin answers:

1.Have you ever known anyone with more toes then normal?

No, but that would be so cool.

2.Are you funky fresh or freshly funky, or are you neither?
Neither…I’d like to say a demented and a bit twisted.

3.If you were a bug what bug would you be?
I’d have to be a beetle with a really thick flat shell so I can go around scaring people and they can’t kill me by stepping on me.

4.Any cartoons in particular stick out in your mind from childhood?

Tom and Jerry still rule, and I miss Lulu and Hey Arnold.

5.If a friend of yours dislikes a person, do you immediately dislike them as well or do you give them a chance first?
Why would I dislike a person just because my friend doesn’t like them? Unless they did some bad towards my pal that wouldn’t happen otherwise I wouldn’t have too many friends…

6.Do you wear a watch? Nope

7.Do you own a calculator? Yep TI- something…its ridiculous

8.Have you or do you know any one who has been stabbed?
Yes, he died unfortunately.

9.What time is it?

7: 58 pm +800 GMT

10.What is/was for dinner? Not so sure…she’s cooking now

11.You like the sushi? „the“ sushi?

I like sushi I don’t know about „the“ sushi

12.Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers…all freshly made..

13.If you were/are a vegetarian, and you came face to face with an angry man eating cow that wanted to taste your blood, would you eat or be eaten?

Turn into a vampire! So yeah……survive

14.Ever taste a piece of grass?

Tasted? Yes…horrible tasting

15.Finally, how are you?

The sub made us hold a position in PE for so long my back hurt like hell during class because he of course doesn’t know about my spinal condition…other than that…and my normally sore neck…I’m fine.

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