Your Questions About Poker

Susan asks…

Christians: Is playing poker for no money for fun with family a sin?

Just looking for thoughts from other fellow Christians, I don’t and will never play Poker for money, I like the game and playing with family every so often with the play chips.

What’s your stance on Poker in this sense?
Poker for money involves greed, deception, and a lot of other tactics to beat your opponents.

Just wondering to Christians, If you’re playing for fun just to enjoy it, if it applies.

admin answers:

No : ) Don’t let yourself get bogged down with extreme worries cuz that can distract you or overwhelm you from what’s really important…. I found a really good rule to always go by to check is how would you feel like if your kids were doing that and what would you want from and for your kids to do . Cuz after all he is our father right?….. (even if u don’t got kids yet u can pretend) Other than that he gave you a brain to think with (so common sense and logic are good) and a heart and soul to feel with, so trust yourself! With this things… You will know when something is really bad or good. : ) No harm in checking though (in reliable sources) : ) but My advice: Don’t sweat the small stuff… : ) Save that for the real important things in life…. : ) God Bless

David asks…

What is a poker site that accepts American Express gift cards?

I just got an American Express gift card from the mall and I am American. I would like to play Texas Hold’em Poker I have tried everything I have looked for online. My maximum deposit amount is $25.00 so Doyle’s room will not work.

Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it

admin answers:

You can deposit at any of the USA friendly poker sites listed here
Fulltilt, pokerstars…

Joseph asks…

Facebook Poker Chips – I am looking for a reliable resource to buy poker chips for facebook?

I went to many sites for facebook poker chips. They are either closed of their live chat support doe not answer. Any help will be much appreciated.

admin answers:

The best way to find all resources for „facebook poker chips“ is by searching the term in yahoo or google search engines.

However I will list a couple of resources for you here

1. Http://
2. Http://

Good luck

Chris asks…

Will apple allow me to create and application to count your chance in poker?

So im making an application that will count the chances of yours in slot poker, all it will do is tell the player what are his/her chances in winning current hand. And im wondering is this application acceptable in app store?

admin answers:

3. Chips Cheating***Use cheats to get it…. You can visit I always visit it and find Poker Cheats there.. Hopefully you can find it and this answer help you…

Sandra asks…

How many poker players have really had a natural royal flush?

Impossible to answer exactly I know. But I just surfed the web looking for things like „How many royal flushes have you had“ and there’s answers like „One, a few years ago“ or „I’ve had 2 or 3 actually“ I find that hard to believe. The odds of getting a royal flush are like 650,000 to 1 (or similar) which is actually *less* likely than being hit by lightning at some point in your life. So, are some poker players maybe fibbing a bit?

admin answers:

The odds you speak of at 650,000 to 1, is basically the odds at 5 card stud.

Just getting 5 cards at random, and having it be a royal flush. Who plays 5 card stud?

Getting a royal flush in a game where you use 7 cards, like Texas Hold em, is only about 31,000 to 1.

A lot more likely that people will get one. You multi table on-line, and you play hundreds of hands a day… Doesn’t take you that long to see 31,000 hands.

If you just ask a generic question of „who got a royal flush“, chances are pretty high they are talking Texas Hold em.

That being said, of course poker players might fib a little bit too.

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