Your Questions About Tournament Of Roses

Mandy asks…

The Gold Cup teams that were eliminated in this 1stage all brought the least number of fans to the stadiums?

Eliminated- Cuba, Grandada, Canada, & Guadalupe
Or did Canada bring in more fans than Jamaica throughout this whole tournament? (I didn’t really see a lot of Jamaicans in the stands so Im doubting it)

BQ- Penarol vs Santos who wins the first final of Libertadores tomorrow?
Not a lot of Costa Ricans in the USA huh or at least in the states they played so far and Hondurans brought a decent amount of people

admin answers:

In reality no one brought all that many people to games cuz theres no interest in this county and i bet only a few real fans know about the gold cup. The only real big attendance was the 80000 at cowboys stadium when mexico played. But thats largely in part of the size of the stadiums the games were played in. For instance 4 of the 9 stadiums that hosted the group games had capacities of less than 50000, and 4 of larger stadiums didnt even fill half way, so im sure the crowd didnt make a big difference. The only full stadium was cowboys stadium. Im sure this will change for the games played Meadowlands stadium, reliant stadium, and the rose bowl since they are large stadiums

Ken asks…

How should i give these Valentines to my girlfriend?

My girlfriend and I are 16 (dating for 2 years) and i have been away a lot for soccer.Since today is Valentines Day she still thinks i’m away at a soccer tournament, so i was thinking about putting chocolate, roses, a teddy bear and a necklace all in her room with a card from me and surprise her? What do you think? What else can I do to make this better for her? She has been through a lot so i wanted to make it special!

admin answers:

I think that’s sweet enough. It will be a nice surprise. 🙂

Carol asks…

How should I give my girlfriend her Valentines Gift?

My girlfriend and I are 16 (dating for 2 years) and i have been away a lot for soccer.Since today is Valentines Day she still thinks i’m away at a soccer tournament, so i was thinking about putting chocolate, roses, a teddy bear and a necklace all in her room with a card from me and surprise her? What do you think? What else can I do to make this better for her? She has been through a lot so i wanted to make it special!

admin answers:

Do all of that because your right on track, but when she gets home be pretending to sleep in her bed. In cute valentine day pjs or boxers depending on how intamint you two are. And when she comes by you to say somthing pull her on to the bed and kiss her and then just lay there with her. It will be absolutly perfect.

Steven asks…

How can I beat a blackwing deck?

Alright, I have 12 decks. Most of them are themed, (Dragons, Normal monsters, zombies, archfiends, Nordic) and a few that have a lot of power. However, blackwings‘ are really fast activating and end up destroying anything I put out on the field. My favorite deck has Obelisk, BLS-EOB, all 3 Wickeds, Montage Dragon, and White Knight Dragon,along with tuners and lower level monsters to tribute. It also contains varied spells and traps to beef up and stop attacks. But I can’t seem to get past this deck. I’ve been playing for several years now and now I’m considering going into tournaments, until I met this blackwing deck. Any help is appreciated

admin answers:

Tking-rai oh
Trap stun (for icarus)
Starlight road (icarus and black rose dragon)
Shadow mirror
Mind crush

To name a few

Susan asks…

Is Tyreke Evans almost or just as good as Derrick Rose was for Memphis last year?

and do you think they deserve a #1 seed? I do because they handled their businness and did what they can do. I dont care if they’re in C-USA or not they won all there games and did what they can do.

Do you think Tyreke Evans is just or almost as good as Derrick Rose?and why?

And does Memphis deserve a #1 seed and get a #1 seed?

admin answers:

Memphis gets so much slack but they can’t help the tournament they’re in.

They prove everyone wrong when they go into the tournament and beat numerous teams like UCLA.

Don’t forget they made it to the National Championship game last year and would have won if Calipari timed the last timeout right. Kansas also let a player in that should have been suspended so technically Memphis should be the 2008 winner.

Is CUSA a weaker conference? Of course. Does Memphis still beat amazing teams in great conferences? Yes!

As far as Evans goes, his performance hasn’t been as outstanding as Rose’s but Rose didn’t have the pressure of living up to someone like himself either.


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