Your Questions About Bestest

John asks…

Bestest and Funner ……………………………………………………………………………….?

I see these two everywhere and I’m guilty of using them sometimes

are they even proper words? lol

admin answers:

Nikki is the bestest

and yeah i say funner all the time.

Ruth asks…

Arnt cancers just the bestest?

They are amongst my favourite friends, 3 of them

admin answers:

They are..but im just saying cuz my ex was cancer..ive two other friends,and they’re nice too..but my ex was just the bestest 🙁

r u cancer too?

Jenny asks…

Who was the bestest Batman?

Christian Bale

Michael Keaton

Val Kilmer

George Clooney

Adam West

Delboy Trotter

admin answers:

„Bestest“? Are you 8 years old?

The answer is Michael Keaton

Lisa asks…

is msn the bestest?

i’ve tried yahoo too……….but i think that msn is the bestest,don’t you think so?

admin answers:

Actually I use Yahoo for almost everything. That is my homepage also. I think it is the easiest when it comes to searching or checking my emails.

Mary asks…

What is the bestest type of laptop?

I want to buy a good laptop but i don’t know which one is the best i don’t really care about the price. so can someone please give me a list of good laptops and why they are good?

admin answers:

You mean the *best* type of laptop. „Bestest“ isn’t a word.

You can google a list of the best laptops.

DELL owns Alienware…so people saying both is redundant.

If you can’t afford a laptop you can always buy a netbook; however, it has less capabilities.

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