Your Questions About Pokerstars Download

Daniel asks…

I just bought a new computer and i am trying to download pokerstars and it starts and just stops?

in the middle of the download. The highest i have got it to was 83% downloaded and it stops.

admin answers:

Maybe it’s the site? Try getting it from another website. Lots of places have it.


Hope that helps!

Linda asks…

Can I download Pokerstars or Full Tilt onto an iphone?

I play poker every once in a while and was just wondering?

admin answers:

Probably not.

Pokerstars only works on a PC. And although Full Tilt do support Macs, I very much doubt that extends to the iPhone.

Sandy asks…

If I download pokerstars at work, will they be able to tell?

I work in a small office and we outsource our IT dept. Thanks.

admin answers:

Yes… There is some very sophisticated software now.

An acquaintance who works in the IT department of a very large corporation said that all network transactions are recorded and stored. He said that if his corporate policies were strictly enforced, over half of the employees would be terminated. Many companies save the data for legal purposes. If the productivity of an employee becomes an issue, the IT department might pull that employee’s data file to determine his computer activities. Scarey stuff. Also, there are legal issues such as protecting intellectual property, government compliance, and protecting against criminal activity, including child porn, et al.

Paul asks…

my pokerstars download stops at 99 percent how do I finish it?

admin answers:

Thats what she said……….

Ken asks…

can anyone make me a pokerstars account? download pokerstars and make me an account?

can anyone make me a account? just download pokerstars account and make a account that say „RandyRandyson with numbers or something then password just tell me one u made up plzzz help then send me an email or something

admin answers:

Nobody is gonna do that for you friend, it’s doubtful wether it’s legal anyway. Also you are going to get a lot of spam and scam mail now. You really should not give out your e-mail address on an open site like this, everyone can see it and there are some nasty people out there. Be careful and I would suggest you change your address and give it to trusted friends only. Good luck.

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