Your Questions About Poker Games

Carol asks…

Is it illegal for a 17 year old to gamble in poker games?

My family holds huge poker games every new years and I love poker and I’ve got a bit of money I’d like to gamble with but I heard it’s illegal for me to play poker with them cause I’m under 21? Is this true even if it’s inside the home?

admin answers:

Gambling laws differ from state to state, so it’s hard to know. Chances are, if you’re playing in a family game, you should be OK. Chances are even better that no one outside your family will know about it.

Ruth asks… What are the different poker games on this site such as sit & go, and ring games?

what are the differences in these types of games. also does ful tilt poker have any texas hold’em games that arent tournaments where i can sit down and once i win some money leave and keep my winnings.

admin answers:

Ring games are far and away the best way to learn the game of poker as a whole. Sit & go are the worst (not saying i discourage playing them, though). Sit & go is a lot of understanding icm in and out, and doing a lot of pokerstoving and a lot of sng wizarding and just having a keen understanding of how your hand fares pf against ranges and what stage of the tourney you’re in and all that stuff. There’s no floating or barrelling or 3ballin or anything like that. There’s very little post flop poker.

When I first started playing poker for money, I was exclusively playing sit & go. I was able to make around $100 or so between single table, and multi-table sngs with a MTT thrown in there every now and then. It’s possible to make decent money, although I think the micros have gotten much harder now since you don’t have those three or 4 players going out in the first few minutes.

Ring – Teaches you deep stack poker and how to play post flop

sit & go – Teaches you how to play pre-flop, especially near the bubble.

Donald asks…

Can you play online poker games with dial-up internet service?

Wondering if you can play online poker while using dial up internet service. Will be staying in a place that can only get dial up. Will the game go too slow or disconnect too often with dial up? Thanks!

admin answers:

Yes you can but,

Try and choose a room with fairly basic software that won’t slow you down. There is nothing more annoying that being timed out due to a bad connection, this will lose you money!!

If you’re from outside of the USA try lucky ace as they are their software is kept basic for this reason, you’ll also get 25% instant bonus plus 75% more released as you play, example: deposit $400 get $100 instant and make $300 more.

Don’t choose a room that’s too flashy, not only will it take ages to download the actual software itself but it will be very annoying.

Chris asks…

Can someone recommend a computer game that will be very good for TEACHING me poker games?

I know there are plenty of games out there to play poker, but I am looking for one with excellent tutorials, that could teach me how to play enough so I can go into a game of Poker or Texas Hold Em in real life and not feel embarassed that I don’t know how to play well or at all. Thanks much for the help.

admin answers:

Go for FullTilt Poker and PokerStars with their .NET domains. As FullTilt Poker and PokerStars both are the best poker game provider sites. These sites provide both free and real money poker games to its players.

You can also download the software from there and can play the game offline also. But also you can play these free games online.

Before starting the real money game You should practice on free games a lot.

Robert asks…

Are there Poker games available for Playstation 3?

I’m buying a PS3 and was wondering if there are Poker games that allow you to connect to other players and play for real $$$.

admin answers:

No. The PS3 isn’t a gambling machine.

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