Your Questions About Odds Calculator

William asks…

Why is my sperm clear?


I’ve been Masturbating as well as have gotten 5-6 blow jobs/hand jobs for some odd 3-4 years.

In 1 week i prolly do it 3-5 times. Lately my Sperm has been clear though?
Idfk why?

Could this be some type of pre-puberty thing?
I’m 14 btw.

On the tanner stage calculator it said i was at a 2.9-3.3

Any help?

admin answers:

….I’m still trying to process that you say you’ve been getting BJs since you were 10 or 11….

Nancy asks…

u(1)=1 and u(n)=u(n-1)+2 for n=2,3,4?

The positive odd numbers can be generated by the sequence u(1)=1 and u(n)=u(n-1)+2 for n=2,3,4. Use the gaphing calculator (ti-83 plus) to find the 7th positive odd number.
Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks!

admin answers:

Type this


Sharon asks…

algebra 2 function problem I don’t understand

4x^5 ÷ |x|^5

is this odd, even, or neither?

*please help! I put it into the calculator but I still don’t understand!

admin answers:

Think about three different cases here: x is negative, x is zero, or x is positive.

Let’s start with x being positive. Then |x|^5 is the same as x^5. So you’ve got 4x^5 / x^5. The x^5 cancels out, and the answer is always 4.

Now think about x being negative. If x is negative then x^5 will be negative. (A negative to an even power is positive, a negative to an odd power is negative). |x|^5 will be positive. So with the top part negative and the bottom part positive, cancel out the x^5 again and you get -4, no matter what x is.

Finally, if x is zero, then you’re dividing by zero so it’s undefined.

So the value is: -4 for x 0.

Ruth asks…

Help with my calculator?

I have the code written, but I just need even number answers to be yellow and odd number answers to be green.
How would the code be written?
Please help.

admin answers:

You didn’t say what language you are using to program your calculator. Here is your code in BASIC:

remainder = number MOD 2

IF remainder = 0 THEN
color yellow
color green

Use the MOD function or something equivalent in your language of choice. If a number is evenly divisible by 2 (all even numbers are) then „remainder“ will be zero.


Maria asks…

Help with my calculator?

I have the code written, but I just need even number answers to be yellow and odd number answers to be green.
How would the code be written? It’s for PHP.
Please help.

admin answers:

$color= „green“;
if ($answer%2==0)
$color= „yellow“;

echo „„.$answer.“„;
something like that

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