Your Questions About Poker Games

William asks…

what are some online poker games?

which poker games are on line that or online which ones are some good on line poker

admin answers:

I like to play Corbon Poker, Titan Poker, Winner Poker, Pokerstars Poker and other some. These games are so nice and easy to play. And in these games most of time I like to play Titan Poker game.

Lisa asks…

why is it a crime if the house profits from poker games?

admin answers:

In order for the house to legally take a profit, you have to have a gambling license, be registered with the government, pay them taxes etc. Most states only allow Indian gaming and even that is regulated and limited. If you run a home game and don’t pay out all of the money taken in, you are then in violation of the law and can face strict penalties. Think of it as the gambling equivalent of practicing medicin without a license. You can do it, but it’s illegal and probably not a good idea.

David asks…

Is it easy to live off poker, sports betting, casino games or other forms of gambling?

admin answers:

Piece of cake. That’s why all the sportsbooks are going bankrupt from so many people winning.

Linda asks…

I need help in sorting my Poker games?

I play poker once a week, tournament style, so we all put in £10 and 1st place gets £50, 2nd gets £15 3rd gets £5. The problem is that when someone wins big, or enough to comfortably win, they will sometimes just sit on their chips waiting till the time limit is up, or everyone else will go all in on the last hand we play and the person who has the most chips, loses out by not calling the all-in as whoever wins that last hand basically wins the whole game, so the game is decided on the last hand.. Anyway to overcome this?

admin answers:

One could raise the blinds or antes so the short stacks would have to go all in sooner and not the last hand

Joseph asks…

What is the best site for web video poker?

I like all of the popular video poker games, deuces wild, double double bonus video poker, all american poker, and joker poker to name a few. Where should I play?

admin answers:

Here are the best sites for the games you mentioned:

Best sites for Deuces Wild Video Poker –

Best sites for Double Double Bonus Poker –

Best sites for Joker Poker –

Best Online Poker Rooms (Player vs. Player) –

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