Your Questions About Poker

Daniel asks…

How to add my picture for the zynga poker app on yahoo pulse?

i have a profile picture for my yahoo and yahoo pulse, iv added the zynga poker app but theres no photo, please help.

admin answers:

Poker is very beatable, because you play against other players, not the house.

To learn some strategy and get rakeback which helps with profits, go to the site.

Offers the highest %’s.

Richard asks…

How do you convince girls to play strip poker?

How do you get more than one girl to play strip poker with other girls?

admin answers:

Mandy asks…

Is there a way to get free facebook poker chips?

I am looking for a way to get some free chips is facebook poker. Is there a way?

admin answers:

I get free chips every day just by logging in.

Thomas asks…

Does anyone know where there is a good poker game in Dallas Fort Worth. Traveling there?

I am in Dallas Fort Worth on the Weekends and looking for a friendly poker tournament. Texas Hold’em is my favorite.

admin answers:

There are several friendly games around town.
You can find the sites on line by searching, once you are accepted they will send you invites.
Look at

Betty asks…

How can I track my poker winnings?

I am looking for a ledger of some sort to buy to track my poker playing. Is anything like this available? I’ve looked at office depot, they sell regular ledgers, i need one designed for poker.

Should I just use a regular notebook to track my winnings or can I buy something better to use?

admin answers:

Best way to track your winnings is by using a „poker ledger book“, it is a ledger book designed for poker players for exactly what you are talking about.

„Poker Ledger Book is a record keeping system designed for poker players. It may be used for tournaments, sit-n-go’s, and live table games. Just as you would record any financial data, this book is a must for players who need to keep track of critical data. Record your poker DATE, LOCATION, TYPE of WAGERING, BUY IN, CASH-OUT, WIN, LOSS, NOTES, & SUMMARY“

book can be purchased at any book store
ISBN-10: 0978759109
ISBN-13: 978-0978759100

you can also buy it direct from their website,

hope this helps!

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