Your Questions About Poker Games

Ruth asks…

What are the name of these criminal acts below. what will be the penalty if caught?

1) smoking weed everyday not your first time ever but been doing it multiple times
2)playing poker or other card games and the winner gets money from other playing the game and ur playing for money. these people are teens.

admin answers:

Calm down. First off, NOTHING is a crime if you don’t get caught. You can’t get in trouble for smoking weed in past tense. (unless your still high). The cops won’t do anything about the second one. Gambling is illegal in a good portion of the states, but isn’t enforced on little home games.

Donald asks…

Have you ever played poker and bet your clothes and shoes only to lose your wardrobe?

The winner keeps the clothes for real. Not just strip poker.

admin answers:

Never played were the winner got to keep the clothes. But i played in a game once were when you lost whatever you took off you had to throw in a fire and let it burn. Not very smart money wise but it was a turn on watching people stripping and having to burn their own clothes as they lost knowing they would not be putting them back on. And yes i went home naked that night

Joseph asks…

Can anyone recommend a good card game for holidays?

I know four games: cheat/Bull****, poker, Blackjack/21 and that game where you try to get rid of your hand by matching a card set or number and pick up a card if you can’t. Any recommendations and a link/ brief walkthrough of how it works.
I meant games with a 532-deck packet of cards, none of those wizard collection card games.

admin answers:

For the rules and explanations about TONS of traditional card games, go to:

and start reading. Most of my favorite games are for two players or for four players playing with partnerships. But this site covers games for all numbers, ages, and skill levels.

Mary asks…

Anyone know where I can find usage and demographics for online gambling?

I’m seeking:
* Usage globally and by country – United States, UK, Mexico, Spain, other Spanish-speaking countries and/or G8
* Popularity and spending for each game (poker, blackjack, etc)
* Usage by ethnic background (Hispanic information especially)
* Language preference and/or availability (especially Spanish)

Unfortunately, I don’t have money for an expensive market research report so thanks in advance for thoughtful replies!

admin answers:

The American Gaming Association has a „States of the States“ breakdown:

harrah’s does their own „Profile of an American Gambler“ study each year:

only caveat is that both studies were corporate funded by reputable but fundamentally pro-gaming institutions, so the credibility of the results is to your own discretion.

James asks…

What is the value of 5 twos in Poker?

In an online Poker game I got a hand that was made of 5 twos. What is the correct value of such a hand? is it a full house, 4 of a kind or what …
Noting that two of the twos were spades

admin answers:

It would be a five of a kind if you were playing with multi decks. The only thing that beats a five of a kind is a higher five of kind. If it wasn’t a multi deck game something went wrong.

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