Your Questions About Pass Tour

David asks…

Whats the difference between tour and regular drivers?

I know the difference between tour and regular irons/wedges, but i never knew what the driver was about.

admin answers:

Tour drivers usually have an open face. More workability. Non tour drivers generally have a draw bias, to help out all the weekend slicers.

As time passes and you improve it’s time to move on from the Nimbus 2000 to the Firebolt. If you’ve got game, you work with it.

Charles asks…

What does it mean if i get a vip pass for warped tour?

what can i do? what is the special difference between vip and regular pass for warped?

I’m going with my bf in 4 days.

admin answers:

It means you wasted your money

Steven asks…

How hard is it to sneak a small camcorder into Warped Tour?

I’m planning on bringing in a small Sony Handycam into Warped Tour this year. I’ve seen tons of videos of bands being filmed at Warped from various years, so I’m thinking it can’t be too difficult, but I want to know for sure if I’ll be able to get it in. So, how hard will it be to sneak in my Handycam?

admin answers:

Most venues allow cameras and camcorders as long as they’re not professional. If it’s a professional camera you’ll need a photo pass to get in but if it’s just your run of the mill hand held point and shoot camera or camcorder you should get in just fine.

Betty asks…

What would be a good way to tour West Europe?

My friend and I want to travel and tour West Europe after we graduate. What would be a good plan to do this in an economical manner? We want to stay for at least a month. We were thinking of possibly just renting an apartment in a somewhat central location and then making day trips to visit other countries. Does this sound smart? Thanks!

admin answers:

If you rent an apartment as a fixed address and then take day trips from there, you will be able to see a lot assuming you can afford the transportation costs, but you won’t be able to see a lot of countries due to the distances involved. You can visit another country that way if you’re close to a border. That can still be a rewarding trip because you get an more in depth understanding of what a specific area is like.

However, if your objective is to see multiple countries in less depth, then the more common way to go would be backpacking – moving around from place to place using the trains, flights, buses or driving.

Generally, you can get by for around $100 per day or a little less staying in cheap hostels and watching your budget carefully. Airfare for the round-trip to/from Europe is on top of that. You might want to discuss this with your roommate to get an idea of what expenses he experienced.

Here are some resources that can help you plan and check options and current prices for your trip: – airfares & hotels; the explore function is useful for finding the less expensive places to fly into from your starting point.

Http:// – particularly good for budget flights within Europe, but you can also use everywhere as a destination to do something like the explore option on Kayak. You may not need the airfares, but you can compare to the cost of the trains to get around.

Http:// – trains throughout Europe including much more information on selecting ans using railpasses to get around if they suit your trip. It is not always best to use a pass. You need to be aware that with a railpass, you still need to make reservations for some high speed, international and night trains and there is an additional payment for that. This site will tell you how to determine whether a pass is worth the money and which pass will best suit you. It also has links to the national train sites where you can find schedules and price individual tickets. Right now, railpasses are almost never worth the cost here in Italy. The German website is one of the best resources for finding train connections throughout most of Europe:… – you’ll need the other sites to price trips that don’t include Germany.

Http:// – hotels/B&Bs – prices for the same hotel can vary hugely depending on the season and what local events are going on.

Http:// – hostels.

Http:// – monasteries & convents that offer accommodations

You can also look into camping or couch surfing as cheaper alternatives for accommodations.

Http://… – festivals, exhibitions and events – information & advice

For sightseeing prices: check the websites for entrance fees for the museums & galleries you’re interested in. I spend anywhere between nothing and 40 euro ($49) a day depending on exactly what I go to see when out exploring. For food, I spend around 25 to 50 euro ($31 to $62) for a meal, but you can eat for less. I was in Venice recently and paid 32 euro for lunch at Da Raffaele sitting at a canalside table with the gondolas passing by. Here in Italy, You can get a whole pizza for 8 to 13 euro ($10 – $16) or a pasta dish in the same range. Panini or pizza by the slice is less. For reference, a McDonalds McMenu classico (medium) is going for around 7.50 euro ($9.24). While you can eat cheaply most of the time, I would recommend getting a good local meal from time to time; that’s part of the overall experience that it would be a shame to miss. When I travel, I like to try the local specialties and the good restaurants.

Look for local festivals during your time here. They tend to have excellent, relatively inexpensive food featuring local specialties. It’s also a great way to get an insight into local culture and tradition.

William asks…

What camera should I take to Warped Tour?

I’m going to Vans Warped Tour for the first time this year and I wanna know what camera to take there. I’m planning on being near the front of the stages but if not, I want one with good zoom. I’ll take pictures but I would also like one that’s able to have a good quality video and sound. I don’t want anything too pricey but just enough for the quality that it’s for. Thanks! Get Warped! ;D

admin answers:

I actually don’t recommend taking a nice camera. If you have a press pass and are guaranteed a safe spot in the front of the crowd, that’s one thing. But otherwise i would use my phone, a older or cheaper digital camera, etc. The crowd is rough and the chances of the camera getting broken are high (this happened to me last year, i took my nicest camera and was trying to get a good shot, someone knocked it out of my hands and it was totally trampled and destroyed). I know you want memorable pictures, but there are professionals there whose job it is to take good shots. You will be able to look at and save those, but trying to take really good pictures yourself is risky and hard. I think you’d have a much better time if you just took a few pictures when there are good opportunities here and there, and not concern yourself with getting really in depth/perfect pictures.

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