Your Questions About Pokerus Pokemon Black

Jenny asks…

Pokemon Black: Will anyone trade me a pokemon (that’s not not immune already) with pokerus please?

If it has a smiley face next to its icon on its status then it is immune already and can’t be spread. I have pokemon black email me if you can help me out, thanks!
Alright chris i’m adding both your FC’s at the moment anytime today (7:30 PM Eastern Day Time would be a good time. I’m also free tommorow starting at 3 P.M EDT)
Alright chris i’m adding both your FC’s at the moment anytime today (7:30 PM Eastern Day Time would be a good time. I’m also free tommorow starting at 3 P.M EDT)

admin answers:

I have a whole box full. I’ll give you one for nothing. My White code is on my profile. I can’t email you since you don’t have the option. Go to your Y!Answers profile, click Edit Preferences and enable email. After, message me with a time and date to trade.

David asks…

Can someone trade me a Pokemon with Pokerus for Pokemon Black?

Can someone trade me a Pokemon with Pokerus for Pokemon Black? I can trade you Charmander, Bulbarsaur, Squirtle, or Zorua all level 1. It can be any kind of Pokemon.

Pokemon Black FC:

admin answers:


Steven asks…

Can someone trade me Oshawott and Tepig in Pokemon Black 2?

+ If you have any legendary pokemons, maybe them too? :). I have lots of good starters in my Pokemon Diamond and if i find a way to trade them to my Pokemon Black 2, I can trade you them!
Real friend codes please!

admin answers:

Yeah! Sure. Any shinies? I can also probably offer a Phione if your interested. Really I want pretty much anything, maybe you can give me some shinies if you have any in return for Phione? I really want any Japanese or foreign ditto, also I can offer any of them with Pokerus. Name: Hestia FC: 3783 7158 2052. If not, do you have any Kanto starters or Infernape or Torterra, or maybe Snorlax if you have one. It’s crazy how stupid GTS is, seriously, you’d have to be a n00b to ask for lv 9 and under Zekroms and Reshirams. Oh so sad. If you have a friend with a DS, you can transfer them over with Poke Transfer. If you’d want to WIFI battle me, feel free!! I also have MANY version exclusives to White 2, so feel free to PM me, not really sure how to PM but, whatever!

Any event pokemon for any pokemon with Pokerus is a steal, if you want it. So please,if you have a Manaphy, Darkrai, shiny legendary beasts, celebi, mew, or any real event like Shaymin, in the 3rd gen or 4th gen I am more then willing to offer. is a valuable resource, get any Pokemon you want!! The tutorial on there sucks, so go on youtube on „how to use Pokecheck“

Laura asks…

Does anyone have a pokemon with pokerus for pokemon black or white?

I honestly don’t care what pokemon it is. I was wondering if anyone is willing to trade. Thanks!

admin answers:

I have my serperior with pokerus and a lot more

George asks…

Could someone trade me a Pokerus infected Pokemon in Black and White?

Hey there! I’d really appreciate if I could get a Pokerus pokemon. It really doesn’t matter what the pokemon is… but unfortunately, I dont have much to trade but I will find something, like Zekrom or something. I really appreciate it!!! Thank you!

Leave your friend code and email so we can setup a time.

admin answers:

Pokerus is fairly common these days, so no need to offer up legendaries. If you’re going to be on for a while, just send me a message and I’ll send you a Patrat.

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