Your Questions About Odd Calculator

William asks…

Quick and efficent way to learn times tables?

generally, i am good at maths, but i have never been able to remember times tables. Im 16, and am doing a level maths next year, and the first module is non calculator, so i really need to learn!

does anyone know any succesful methods to do this???


admin answers:

If you are talking about the simple multiplication table from 1..10, here are the tricks I use (for higher numbers, see at end):

a) Multiplying by 10 simply adds a zero.

B) learn the square numbers by heart:
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
One hint is that the last digits are a symmetric pattern
1 4 9 .6 .6 .9 .4 .1

c) The product of two numbers that are 2 apart is one less than the square of the middle number:
2 * 4 = 8 = 3^2-1
3 * 5 = 15 = 4^2-1
4 * 6 = 24 = 5^2-1
5 * 7 = 35 = 6^2-1
6 * 8 = 48 = 7^2-1
7 * 9 = 63 = 8^2-1

d) The product of two numbers that are 4 apart is 4 less than the square of the middle number:
2 * 6 = 12 = 4^2 – 4
3 * 7 = 21 = 5^2 – 4
4 * 8 = 32 = 6^2 – 4
5 * 9 = 45 = 7^2 – 4

e) Products with 5: Just halve the other number and add a zero if even; 5 if odd: E.g.
7*5: 7 halved is 3, add 5 -> 35
4*5: 4 halved is 2, add 0 -> 20

f) Multiples of 9:
Write down one less than other number, then rest to 9:
9*2 –> write down 1, then 9-1=8 –> 18
9*3 –> write down 2, then 9-2=7 –> 27
9*4 –> write down 3, then 9-3=6 –> 36
9*5 –> 4..5 –> 45
9*6 –> 5..4 –> 54
9*7 –> 6..3 –> 63
9*8 –> 7..2 –> 72
9*9 –> 8..1 –> 81

g) Products of numbers next to each other:
2*3 -> remember 6
3*4 -> remember 12
4*5 -> see e)
5*6 -> see e)
6*7 -> 42 – „the answer to everything from the Hitch Hiker’s Guide …“
7*8 -> 56 – remember 5 6 7 8
8*9 -> see f)

Also, these products come in „pairs“, as I see it:

2*3 and 3*4 – one is double the other

4*5 and 5*6 – one is 20, the other 30

6*7 and 7*8 –
* their difference is 14 (2*7);
* so when you know 56=7*8 (5-6-7-8), you know 56-14=42.
* And 42=3*14, 56=4*14.

Only 8*9 = 72 is „lonely“ (or you want to pair it with 9*10=90 – both have sum 9: 7+2 = 9+0).

H) 3 apart:
2*5 –> remember 10
3*6 –> double of 3*3
4*7 –> hard to learn – remember 28
5*8 –> see e)
6*9 –> see f)

i) 5 apart
2*7 = 14 – learn
3*8 = 24 – double of 3*4
4*9 = 36 — 49 is a square, 36 also!

The hardest part, I find, is actually to quickly put the computation in one of the boxes above. Eg….. Fast: What is 5*9?
–> you must decide:
Use „5 rule“? – write down half of other number: 4; and attach 5 because 9 is odd –> 45
Use „9 rule“: Write down one less of other number 4; and rest to 9 = 5 –> 45.
„distance 4 rule“: middle number is 7 –> 7*7=49; minus 4 is 45.

Really try to do this – put each computation in a „rule bucket“. And so you can remember WHY a product is what it is …

Good luck!


What about numbers above 10?

J) Again, it is very useful to learn all squares by heart. And again, the trailing digits follow the same pattern:

121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361: 1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 !

169 and 196 are „somehow reversed“.
225 follows from a general rule of squaring x5, where x is a single digit:
Write down x(x+1), then 25: E.g., 65^2 = (6*7, then 25) 4225.
256 is 2^8 – computer people know this; otherwise, learn by heart.
The last ones are all the multiple of 4 of the last digit, then the falling single-digit squares:

17^2 = [7*4] [9] = 289
18^2 = [8*4] [4] = 324
19^2 = [9*4] [1] = 361

Then, b), c), d), e) work there also (e.g.: 13*15 = 14^2-1=195).

K) Multiples of 11:
Squeeze in the sum of the two digits:

34*11 = [3] [3+4] [4] = 374
27*11 = [2] [2+7] [7] = 297

If the sum overflows, increment the leftmost digit:

39*11 = [3] [3+9] [9] = 429

l) * 15:
Times 10, then half of that:

18*15 = 180 + 90 = 270

m) 3 apart:
9*12 = 108 – learn by heart
11*14 –> rule of 11
12 * 15 –> rule of 15
13*16 = mhm – see below
14*17 = also see below
15*18 –> rule of 15
16*19 –> see below

n) Sometimes, (a-1)*(b+1) = ab – b + a – 1 works:

19*16 = (20-1)*(15+1)=300 – 15 + 20 – 1 = 304

13*16 = (14-1)*(15+1)=14*15 – 15 + 14 – 1 = 14^2 + 14 – 15 + 14 – 1 = 196 – 1 + 14 – 1 = 196 + 12 = 208 … Maybe not worth the effort …

14*17 = (15-1)*(16+1) = 15*16-16+15-1=(rule of 15)160+80-1-1=240-2=238

That’s about all I know …

Sandy asks…

Can I introduce a young dumbo rat with my 2 adult fancy rats?

I have 2 large fancy rats that I got back in November. And, ever since I saw a picture of a dumbo rat, I’ve wanted one SO bad! Can I get a young dumbo rat from the pet store and put him in with my 2 adults? Mine are both male, and I plan to get a male dumbo. The cage I have is a very large cage, even for 3 rats, so space wouldnt be an issue.

admin answers:

Yes, dumbo rats are still the same species as standard fancy rats.. There is just a mutation that causes their ears to be wider and set on the side of the head, rather than on top. Once this mutation appeared, those rats were then selectively bred to keep that trait around.

I would suggest getting two. In my experience, older rats seem to take to a pair of younger rats better than one. Its because younger rats have a LOT more energy than the older ones. By getting two young ones, they are able to play with each other, not bothering the old ones with their abundance of energy, and then still have the old guys to cuddle up with.

And you must quarantine them for 2-3 weeks, and introduce them PROPERLY!

Heres an article on introductions:
And another:
I suggest reading both of these for a better understanding of the introduction process. You can NOT just throw new rats in with old rats, since older males can be a bit territorial. But with proper intros, they should take to them rather well. Rats typically can get along with any other rat when intro’d properly.

MAKE SURE your cage is big enough for 4:
Btw, this cage calculator is just a guide. If it says your cage will hold 4, I wouldn’t keep more that many in it. Rats do best with EXTRA space, not just the minimum.

Laura asks…

How can u tell what your correct bra size is?

im 14 and im not sure exactly what my right bra size is. Can somebody please help me?

admin answers:

Here are some ways of figuring it out:
1) Go get fitted by a professional at Victoria’s Secret or a shop like that (most department stores and specialty lingerie stores offer fittings).
2) Get a measuring tape, and run it UNDER your breasts. Measure in inches and write it down. Helps if you write it in centimetres too. This is your BAND measurement. Then run it over your bust/largest part of your breast. Measure in inches and centimetres and write it down. This is your CUP or BUST measurement.
Then once you have these measurements, you can do all kinds of things with them!
A) Look for bra size calculators on the internet, but be aware that not all of them work. is the most trustworthy (but for this you also need the measurements for over the top of your breasts, under your armpits)
b) With your band measurement: Add 4 inches if it’s even or 5 inches if it’s odd.
With your cup measurement: Compare them with the band measurement (with the addition).
<1 or 0in= AA cup, 1in = A cup, 2in = B cup, 3in = C cup etc.
You can then put your measurements together to get a bra size. For example, if you had 33inches band size and 40inches bust size, you would need a 38B bra, because 33+5=38, and the difference between 38 and 40 is 2 (which = B cup)
c) *BUT* many bra bands are elasticated, which means you don't have to add as much on. This method works BETTER than b, but some people still use it. The better method is:
With your band measurement: Add 2 inches if it's even or 3 inches if it's odd.
With your cup measurement: Compare them with the band measurement (with the addition).
<1 or 0in= AA cup, 1in = A cup, 2in = B cup, 3in = C cup etc.
You can then put your measurements together to get a bra size. For example, if you had 33inches band size and 40inches bust size, you would need a 36C or 36D bra, because 33+3=36, and the difference between 36 and 40 is 4 (which = D cup)
(NOTE: the reason I put 36C as well is that generally, if you go down one band size you go up one cup size to compensate for it. (and likewise the other way) 36 is one step down from 38B, so you have to go up one cup size, which would be a C. But generally both sizes, C and D in this case, would have equal chances of working)
3) Just go into a shop, and try a bunch of bras on. You will find one that fits, trust me.
Good luck!

Steven asks…

How can I make money in STOCK MARKET? Where I can find technical calculators?

admin answers:

There is no one indicator, there is no get rich quick scheme, there is no pot at the end of the rainbow.

Like any vocation, it takes hard work, lots of study, and the testing of your theories, learning what makes you tick, learning your own particular time and stress levels, and fighting the emotions of fear, greed, and loss of hope.

Most traders spend their entire time looking for the Holy Grail of indicators, and that’s why 85% of all traders fail.

Your success or failure lies within you, not some indicator.

Part of being a winning trader is constantly developing new methods, constantly improving, constantly learning and becoming more humble and forgiving, and constantly fighting our fear and greed. I had a killer indicator that worked very well for seven years, then it just stopped working. A winning trader is open minded and constantly aware of these changes, rather than closed-minded saying „nothing works.“

People looking for the magic formula will find that TA is too much work. The secret lies within each of us, while a lot of indicators will improve your odds. We each have to find what works for us. If we were all Technical Analysts, it would be a very difficult business indeed.

One of the most important Samurai texts ever written, by Miyamoto Musashi, “The Book of the Five Rings (1643)”, offers this advice: “Think of what is right and true. Learn to see everything accurately. Become aware of what is not obvious. Be careful even in small matters. Do not do anything useless.”

There can be no great success in trading (life) without great commitment, hard work, discipline, and the realization of the “right” type of thinking.

It is the trader’s attitudes, beliefs, and discipline that ultimately yield results. Courage and positive attitudes combined with sound market principles and methods will, in time, result in the desired outcome. Your persistence and determination to succeed is, in the final analysis, the critical element.

Susan asks…

what are the odds of you getting pregnant a day before ovulation?

My ovulation days this go round is June 28- July 4. and we had intercourse June 26 & June 27th.. what is the possibility?

admin answers:

Good. Sperm can live for several days. However, if you are not tracking your ovulation with a test kit or by charting your basal temp and cervical mucus, you are only GUESSING. So are the on-line calculators.

Good luck!

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