Your Questions About Free Poker

Linda asks…

What is the lightest laptop that you can get now?

My mom has an Acer Aspire and she is in her 50s and said the Acer Aspire and hurts her legs.

The only thing she uses it for is to play free online poker.
To by Timothy Loves Lemons:
My name reads „White at birth, Chinese at heart“ not ‚wide at girth , chinese at heart‘ and it makes sense if you read it as I typed it.

admin answers:

Macbook Air.

Paul asks…

does anyone know a decent, free poker tracker?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a good and (completely) free poker tracking software. If someone could give me a name or a url, that would be awesome.

admin answers:

Do you really know of anything decent that is also free?

Free clothes? Free cars? Free computers?

Anything decent has to be paid for one way or another. If you are serious about using tracking software why not shell out a few dollars for a good one? Surely if you think it is that important the investment will pay for itself in a better win rate?

For what it’s worth I’ve seen some that are free for play money games, so you can at least try them before you buy.

Ruth asks…

Whats the best free play poker for macintosh?

The big companies (partypoker) etc are not compatible with mac ive been on pacificpoker which works but i conna play for free which i need to do because im a newbie! Any help would be greatly appreciated ta

admin answers:

Yeah I’m sorry you got a Mac, but everyone makes mistakes. Three sites that I know of that allow Mac players: Full Tilt, Live Poker, and Pitbull Poker.

Steven asks…

Is there anyone who can help test my poker website for flaws?

Hello. My name is Jack Dean from Dallas, Texas. I developed the I need help from people to test my poker website and make suggestions. I want this to be the best poker experience. It is a free poker website. I’m giving away an XBox360 right now and a Playstation 3 this Fall for all your efforts. It is easy getting people to play, but getting people to care is hard to do. Many thanks!!

I’m also interested in knowing how to market the website and how to make money advertising legally or finding sponsors to advertise. Your sincere comment is very much appreciated.
The website is
please send emails to
on comments and suggestions. (Make sure you turn off pop-up blocker because it needs to bring up the poker lobby window. There is no software to download, it uses FLASH Macromedia)

admin answers:

I will go check it out, as far as affiliates go you can go to most of the major pay for casino sites like then look for an affiliate link, in this case it is right on the front page. You sign up there and add their link to your page. All of the pay details are listed there.
There are several places to get your site shown on search engines you can got to for some info or to submission sites like

James asks…

How do you get free money for playing poker?

Ive heard that you can get free money just by signing up to a site, is that true?

admin answers:

I would say is the best site if your looking for cash without depositing

But if theres a chance you start playing very cash games pretty frequently I wouldnt sign up through them because you will not be eligible for any kind of rakeback deal

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