Posts Tagged ‘About’

Your Questions About Poker Games

Sonntag, Februar 12th, 2012

Richard asks…

Why is poker and other gambling games so popular? There are much card games don’t you think?

Hearts, crazy eights, president, idiot, uno are all better games then poker. And they won’t cause you to lose your house.
It’s supposed to be „much more card games.“ Sorry bout the typo.

admin answers:

No matter how high or low the stakes are, for many people, playing for money just adds an extra bit of extra excitement to the game. You know the saying: „No risk, no fun!“

Ken asks…

how do I use the message box to communicate with other players at poker games?

admin answers:

You type into it. It’s a chat box, you just type and press enter and there it is

Steven asks…

can i change my id just for the poker games?

i just want to know if i can change my id (name) just for the poker games. i want to keep for everything else. but i would really like to change it for the poker games thank you

admin answers:

Are you inadvertently giving the entire Y! Answers community (potentially) your e-mail address or was that by design?

In answer to your question, you could register a separate e-mail address…g-mail is pretty simple and fairly anonymous.

Mandy asks…

what is the history of the green visor now used in poker games.?

Was it originally worn by accountants and bankers? what period? and where?

admin answers:

I think it started getting used in poker games somewhere in the 30’s or40’s the dealer in a poker game used it to protect their eyes and not let other see the look they had when they had a good hand or a bad hand…

John asks…

how to win poker games?

Poker is an all-time favorite card game. It is widely Size of a Poker Chippopular in every kind of gambling arena and is increasingly getting a huge following among online casino lovers. In some gatherings, family get-togethers, and friendly reunions, poker is often adapted as a form of entertainment that helps guests go along easier. Bingo is no longer the number one social game; it was easily taken aback by poker. With more and more people getting interested to have a game or two regardless if there is a bet involved or not, the equipment usually needed at the poker table are made available in gaming stores. In this article, we will focus on an important poker stuff, the poker chip.

admin answers:

It is usually how u play the cards u are given. Fold, check, or play.

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Your Questions About Sit N Go Poker

Mittwoch, Februar 8th, 2012

Betty asks…

What’s the best Vegas Casino for low-limit poker?

I’m going to Vegas tonight, and was wondering what casino has the best poker room, preferably one with a lot of low-limit tables?? I’m looking to win a little money, and I know if I can find a nice low limit table (maybe $5-$10 blinds), sitn-play style, I can make quite a bit of money in time..

Thanks in advance!

admin answers:

Binions. Hotel California on Freemont St.
Or take a ride north to N. Las Vegas. Lots of the places there still have $1 black jack.
Goodl luck and hope you keep winning.

Jenny asks…

what is a good poker app on facebook?

I am looking for a good poker game app on facebook, I really like Prizewagons Acebook poker, but they lack sitngo’s, as well as frequent tourney play. I absolutely HATE Zynga, I think its total shit, and I have no need for those who are going to advertise there site just to get ppl there, I am looking for a site, where the poker play is somewhat solid,

admin answers:

Try the Facebook app store. You would find good apps over there.

If you are looking for real money poker app then go for FullTilt poker and PokerStars. They must have started providing the apps to the players. As they are well known poker sites all over the world.

Daniel asks…

When should I start to play Texas Hold’em No-Limit in real money?

I am a beginner in poker. I have been playing Sitngo-s on Full Tilt Poker for 3 days, and since then I made 5100 chips from my 1000, with cca. 10 hours of play. I almost always finish in the first 3.

admin answers:

If you have been playing with „Play“ chips, then you know NOTHING about playing Texas Hold ‚em No Limit. Sorry, but it’s the truth.

The catch is that you won’t ever be ready to play real money until you actually play real money! Just fair warning – it’s a whole different game.

Do yourself a favor – start at very low stakes. If you can beat the small games, then build up higher slowly.

Oh – and furthermore, 10 hours of play means you BARELY have even started playing. Don’t be too anxious to give away your money.

Helen asks…

Poker night. How to entertain losers?

I’m going to hold a poker tournament with friends next week. 10 people, prize pool, chips, good table… everything close to casino sitngo tournament. But it’s still just hangin‘ out with friends. A game can last up to 4-6 hours, it can be quite boring for those who do not reach the finals of 2. Any ideas how to entertain them till the end of a game?
By saying ‚losers‘ I’ve actually meant players who do not reach finals 🙂 No actual losers here.

admin answers:

There is no way a single table tournament should last 4-6 hours. I would suggest playing a single table no limit tournament with about 1,000 in chips to start and blinds of 25/50. Blinds go up every 15 minures. As players get eliminated, they move to another table where there is live play. That was when you are town to 2 or 3 in the tournament, the other 7 or 8 are playing live play while waiting. When the tournament is compete, the final 2 either join the live game or everyone starts a new tournament. A no limit tournament with 10 people and $1,000 in chips should take about an hour.

Richard asks…

How likely is this poker losing streak on PokerStars?

I am a fairly solid sitngo player. I specialize in 6 max one table sitngo’s with buyins ranging from $3.25 to $6.60. My return on investment typically hovers between ten and fifteen percent. I make the money in these games about 45% of the time with a good number of both second and first place finishes. Now, here is something that has me scratching my head:

In my last twenty 6 max sitngo’s, I have cashed only once! Two money spots are available in each game out of six players and I just can’t seem to get in there lately. Almost every coin flip in all of my key hands is not going my way. Lately, it seems if I move all in with my short stack and have the other player’s ace dominated, he hits his kicker to bust me. This losing streak seems to defy mathematics but I’m not sure. I seriously think I’m playing solid poker but few things are going my way.

Does anyone have any idea what the heck is going on!?

admin answers:

Online websites are scams. The badbeats and coin flips dont ever go your way. Pokerstars nicknames are jokerstars and riverstars.

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Your Questions About Sit N Go Tournament

Mittwoch, Januar 25th, 2012

Laura asks…

Should I start with cash games, sit n‘ go, or tournaments?

I’m no pro, but I’d like to say I’m skilled. I’ve played pretty extensively online and drawn a net profit. I know what I’m doing and I’ve read Dan Harrington’s book on no limit hold ‚em. I really want to start playing live, and unfortunately the closest I’ve got to live tables are home games and nothing too professional.

I’m a little afraid of cash games, since online I’ve never liked the idea of sitting at a table and throwing my money at people hand after hand. I’ve been very successful at large MTTs though (200-1200 people) and have drawn a net profit on these. I’ve always liked the idea of paying a fee and knowing that I’ll never end the day losing more money than that, doing something I love and having a chance at winning some of it back. To me it’s like paying 50 bucks to go to Disney World or something and on the way out having a staff come up to me and say „Congratulations, you’ve won!“ and handing me 200 back.

So my question is, with my extensive tournament experience, would it still be okay for me to jump into my first live MTT before I try Sit n Gos or cash games, or should I try to start small?

I’m very experienced in NL Hold ‚Em, good at Limit, and have some experience in PLO, 7 Card Stud and Razz.

admin answers:

One thing you should know is that beating these games on-line is HARDER than beating these games live! If you’ve been successful on-line, you shouldn’t have any trouble with live games.

There is only one fear I would have for someone who has never played live. It is SO much slower that I’m afraid someone like you might lose patience. You’ve got to play your game the same way you’ve been playing it. Of course this includes adjusting to your opponents, too.

Just have realistic expectations. Nobody cashes in MTT’s without at least SOME luck. You know that. If you stick with your game, it will be just like on-line. You’ll „draw a net profit“, but it might be slower than on-line. Because it’s easier live, I believe you’ll make more money PER TOURNAMENT average; however, instead of being able to play 5 to 10 tournaments in a day, you’ll only be able to play 1.

Helen asks…

Pokerstars tournament question?

Im kinda new to pokerstars…Ive been playing in the sit n go tournaments pretty much played most of the games w/ & w/o real money and now I cant figure out 2 things 1.How in the world do u play 2-7 triple draw??? I dnt get it…I play reg 5 card draw, but I dnt get that one..are they played the same? and 2.Im trying to get in the „TOURNEY“ tournaments but everytime I go to tourney and select a ‚announced‘ on that hasnt started it dnt give me the option to enter…can u plz explain that?? thanks in advance!!!

admin answers:

Here’s a basic explanation of 2-7 Triple Draw. The goal is to make the worst possible hand, with flushes and straights counting against you. So, 23457 (that is not a flush) is the best possible hand, hence the name 2-7 Triple Draw. Ace is considered High only, so it’s not a good card to have. Usually, it is played limit, but it can also be played no-limit.

Each player is dealt 5 cards, like 5 Card Draw. Then, after a round of betting (on Stars, they use a small and big blind instead of antes), each playter still in the hand can draw. Then there is another round of betting, followed by the second draw. Then a third round of betting followed by the third and last chance to draw. Finally, there is the last betting round and showdown.

As for the „Announced“ tourneys, you can only sign up when it is closer to start time and the tourney’s status changes from „Announced“ to „Registering“.

Good luck.

Charles asks…

Where do you find you make the most consistent money?

At ring/cash games? At tournaments? At sitn-gos? I used to play mainly cash games, but my winnings would fluctuate. I don’t blame the style of games, I blame myself for going on tilt too often, so I do think cash games are the best way to make the most potential money, but lately I’ve been doing really well at single table sitn-gos although I don’t do so well at mega-multi-table tournaments (meaning thousands of entrants). I get home from work from 4pm-7pm, which is somewhere between 3am and 10am in the US, so there are often players online who are overly tired, desperate to get their winnings back, drunk or on tilt, and I find it easy to weed past half of them and into the money. So while I might not get the most bang for my buck from them, I have been winning consistently and doubled my bankroll in just a few days. What kind of tables do you find work best for you?

admin answers:

I find myself playing better in Tournaments. Usually in Live tournaments I tend to do better then online. In Cash games I can do well, but after I build up my chip stack I have a bad habit of playing hands that just get me in trouble.

Donna asks…

DOES HE like me or r we jst friends?

Ok so there is this guy n school n we never really hung out he jst hung out with friends that i hung out with. well one time me n my friends were jst messing around n i was like „u know wat i hav no friends…i need to get more friends lol“ n i looked at him n i was like „hey u wanna b my friend“ n he was like yea so we actuallly started hanging out. n one night we were all hanging out at the mall n we would like sit nxt to each n he would put his arm around me n we started throwing papers at each other n stuff lol. n then i was suppose to take everyone home cuz i had my car lol. n he put his arm around me n started walking towards my car n was like „alright lets go home“ n i jst started laughing n walked back to everyone else. Then a few days later me, him n a bunch of friends went to a tournament n we were always together cuz our friends kept ditching us lmao anyway we were jst hanging out lol we even came up with a hand shake kinda lame but we always do it lol, he also kept putting his arm around me n stuf but like i didnt mind i was like watever lol. n we finally found our friends n we were sitting there n he asked me to go eat with him, i didnt want to go so i said no, he my friend nxt to me n they said no to lol then he looked at me n was like „come plz“ so i said yea. After that we kept kinda flirting but nothing to serious lol. but he is always telling bout other girls he’s been with n stuff. So does he like me or r we jst friends???? all my friends say he likes me but idk wat do u think???

admin answers:

I believe he is a player-player type of person. If he is really interested in you he will tell you! Just watch out and be careful!

Jenny asks…

high school girl i like i think she likes me 2?

really long SORRY please read it n answer
well i started to like her the last few months be4 we finish junior year n i think she knew or she knows. i never had her in a class till junior but i was there like for 3 months n the i changed my class y idk im stupid well i use to get in trouble alot n we get like 5 consequences and i had 3 so she kind of saw my bad/stupid side. i had like 2 small conversations w/ her in hallways but less than 30 sec or so
then when i changed my class i guess i started to like her n i just 2 look at her alot n she would 2. she was in the soccer team n they were doing really good n i got her a bracelet n i told my sister about her n she told me to give 2 her n tell her that was for her because she was doing so good but i didn’t give to her. so then they end up loosing n they got out of tournament n my sister told me 2 give 2 her n tell that’s because i know u gave it ur best. but it just sounded weird for me to give her the bracelet. so then the year was over n her favorite soccer team happen to be in finals n they won n were champs (pumas 4 anybody that know them) n my sister told me 2 give the bracelet n tell her i wanted 2 congrats her for her team winning n give her the gift but i still though it was weird n its just sitting there in my room. so then the school year was over n the summer came i hardly saw her but thought of her a lot. then senior year started n 4 my bad luck no classes w/ her but i keep looking at her n i notice that she looks at me 2. idk about this but i started dressing up nice on fridays 2 impress her but i notice that she dress really nice 2 on fridays. i told my sister about it n she said that maybe da 1st friday could of being coincident but we have about a month n she keeps dressing nice on fridays n me 2. in the mornings i hang around her locker with my friends n on mondays i say jokes about (pumas) her favorite team i be saying how after being champs they cant win a game. idk how she takes that. one time i was talking 2 of my friends about a new mexican resturaunt they put in my area n he told me that a lot girls from school work there n he happend 2 mention her not stalking n then i told anoter of my friend that he happends 2 be friend with her brother n told him to go eat but he knows i like her. would it be weird if i go to the resturaunt would she think (stalking)? the other day we had our senior pic class n when it was over i was standing by my self n she happend to stand in front of me n she was like 4 steps in front of me n then she moved like 3 steps back so we end up kind of close but i move one step back n 1 2 da side i though about talking 2 her but by the time i decided 2 talk 2 her 1 of her friends past by n left i told my sis n she told me i was stupid n she wanted me 2 start a conversation with her but i havent talk 2 her since last year n i just really want 2 talk her.
should i stop with jokes(pumas) when i say it she kind of smiles
so after reading a lot what do you girls or guys think does she like or not?
What should i do?
any advise?
sorry for being long thanks 4 every thing

admin answers:

I’m glad you have a sister to talk to, but why don’t you listen to her? I’m sure she feels like snatching you up sometimes- it was frustrating reading your story. How do you think you’re going to get anywhere with this girl if you’re afraid to talk to her? You only have one year left of school and it’s past time you get to know this girl. Don’t let yourself graduate without taking a step toward her. You’ll regret letting her go so easily. What if this girl is waiting for you to ask her out? She knows you like her. A friend of her brother’s knows- that means SHE KNOWS. She’s doing little things to give you an opportunity and reason to speak to her. DO IT! I know that in high school everyone is watching your every move and it’s difficult to have much finesse, but you’re going to have to find a way. GIVE HER THAT FREAKING BRACELET!!! Write a note to go with it- sealed in an envelope- and tell her that you bought it last year for one reason, but it didn’t work out, and that you’ve been searching for reasons since! That’s the truth. You should only tell her the truth. Maybe you could put it in her locker. If you want to avoid school drama (at least a little bit) give it to her at her job. Go in there, ask that she be your waitress. Take your sister with you if you need support. (Your friends are just going to embarrass you.) Maybe you’d like to talk to her a few times before giving her the bracelet. Eventually, you can leave your sister at home and talk to her alone. This is part of growing up. People can’t have relationships if they can’t approach one another. Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! You can. It’s not going to kill you. It’s a good thing that she smiles when you joke about her favorite team. If you had gotten to know her a bit last year, by now, you might know exactly how she felt about your jokes (and you wouldn’t have to ask strangers). Talk to her and if she seems nice, easy to get along with, fairly interested, then ASK HER OUT! Good luck.

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Your Questions About Poker

Montag, Januar 9th, 2012

Thomas asks…

How can I become a pro poker player?

I randomly found the profile of a pro poker player. He’s 30 and he goes around the world and plays poker for a living. That sounds like a nice job. He plays for pokerstars. It sounds like he’s made 800k so far. How could I do that?

admin answers:

Firstly you have to learn the game, I don’t mean just the rules but the strategy, mathematics and psychology that stand behind the cards, poker is a skill game just if you can play a large number of tournaments, to do this you’ll also need money enough to play 50-100 games, with online poker the price for a tournaments starts from 0.50$ but playing this kind of games won’t give you enough to live so you’ll have to use your income to increase the bankroll later yuo’ll be able to partecipate higher stakes games.

Michael asks…

If a person wins a large sum of money playing internet poker, what are the tax implications?

I am curious about a scenario where a person wins, say, $250,000 at a site like Full Tilt Poker. First off, can they just transfer the money into their bank account without any problems? After that, what kind of taxes will they have to pay? Are the any (legal) options that would reduce the total tax amount?

admin answers:

Any winnings in excess of $1500 are subject to a IRS form 1099. I would suggest withdrawing your winnings a little at a time, open multiple checking accounts and slowly deposit it a little at a time so as not to cause suspicion…..

Mark asks…

What’s the best way to make money on a poker review website?

I want to start a poker room review site, what’s the best way to make it profitable? How much should I put into it? What hosting, and what costs? I want to show up in google search.

admin answers:

Banner ads would be the best way to make money.

William asks…

How much money in taxes do you pay for playing online poker?

If you play online poker regularly, and say you’ve earned a hypothetical $5,000 in one year. How much in taxes would you pay? Would there be any exceptions or special circumstances?

admin answers:

Depends on the country.

Then it depends on your income. (And of course, if you declare it).

If you make 20K a year, then you’d add the 5K and pay taxes on 25K. If you make 100K a year, then you’d declare 105K and pay taxes. You’d pay a higher rate of taxes if you made 105K..

It’s income tax, not a gambling tax.

Sharon asks…

Can someone suggest me how can start at poker?

Hi used to play poker but now have not played it too long. I am bit rusty so can suggest me any tips to start off again and be successful poker player.

admin answers:

All we need in poker is a lot of concentration and a quick sight on the other players. As you have played before then you must be known to it. But still I’ve posted a link containing some tips of poker. Hope you will be helped.

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